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序号 标题 作者 起始页 操作
1 Evolving challenges in clinical trials design Colin B Begg 237
2 Recruiting an underserved, difficult to reach population into a cancer trial: Strategies from the Restore- 2 Rehabilitation Trial for gay and bisexual prostate cancer patients BR Simon Rosser, Morgan Wright, Chris J Hoefer... 239
3 A dynamic and collaborative approach to trial recruitment in safetxt, a UK sexual health randomised controlled trial Lauren Jerome, Kimberley Potter, Ona McCarthy... 251
4 Methodological aspects of a randomized within-patient concurrent controlled design for clinical trials in spine surgery A Mechteld Lehr, Wilco CH Jacobs, Rebecca K Stellato... 259
5 Timing is everything: The importance of patient-reported outcome assessment frequency when characterizing symptomatic adverse events Bellinda L King-Kallimanis, Vishal Bhatnagar, Erica G Horodniceanu... 267
6 Methodological standards for using the patient-reported outcomes version of the common terminology criteria for adverse events (PRO-CTCAE) in cancer clinical trials Ethan Basch, Gita Thanarajasingam, Amylou C Dueck 274
7 The PROTEUS-Trials Consortium: Optimizing the use of patient-reported outcomes in clinical trials Claire Snyder, Norah Crossnohere, Madeleine King... 277
8 Incorporating estimands into clinical trial statistical analysis plans Minhee Kang, Heather Ribaudo, Camlin Tierney... 285
9 Accounting for the rarity of the disease when designing clinical trials with a focus on pediatric cancers Audrey Mauguen 292
10 Bayesian basket trial design with false-discovery rate control Emily C Zabor, Michael J Kane, Satrajit Roychoudhury... 297