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1 Distribution and habitat of Scalpellidae (Cirripedia: Thoracica) in the Norwegian and Barents Seas Buhl-Mortensen Lene, Hassel Arne 223
2 Distribution and habitat of Scalpellidae (Cirripedia: Thoracica) in the Norwegian and Barents Seas Buhl-Mortensen, Lene, Hassel... 223
3 Biometric parameters and biochemical composition of wild wreckfish (Polyprion americanus) Linares, Fatima, Perez Rial... 234
4 Biometric parameters and biochemical composition of wild wreckfish (Polyprion americanus) Pazos Gema, álvarez-Blázquez Blanca, Linares Fátima... 234
5 Reproductive biology of the bopyrid isopod Robinione overstreeti, a branchial parasite of the ghost shrimp Callichirus islagrande (Decapoda: Callichiridae) in the Gulf of Mexico Bortolini Rosales, Jose Luis, Mejia Estrada... 247
6 Reproductive biology of the bopyrid isopod Robinione overstreeti, a branchial parasite of the ghost shrimp Callichirus islagrande (Decapoda: Callichiridae) in the Gulf of Mexico Bortolini Rosales, Jose Luis, Mejia Estrada... 247
7 Reproductive biology of the bopyrid isopod Robinione overstreeti, a branchial parasite of the ghost shrimp Callichirus islagrande (Decapoda: Callichiridae) in the Gulf of Mexico Bortolini Rosales José Luis, Mejía Estrada Jesús Andrés, Alonso Reyes María del Pilar... 247
8 Invertebrates found on floating Sargassum horneri (Fucales, Sargassaceae) under the Kuroshio Current in the Pacific Ocean Abe, Hiroshi, Mizuno... 260
9 Invertebrates found on floating Sargassum horneri (Fucales, Sargassaceae) under the Kuroshio Current in the Pacific Ocean Abé Hiroshi, Mizuno Shizuha, Komatsu Teruhisa 260
10 Using growth rates and otolith shape to identify the population structure of Umbrina canosai (Sciaenidae) from the Southwestern Atlantic Kikuchi Eidi, Cardoso Luis Gustavo, Canel Delfina... 272