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序号 标题 作者 起始页 操作
1 Converting sounds to meaning with ventral semantic language networks: integration of interdisciplinary data on brain connectivity, direct electrical stimulation and clinical disconnection syndromes Sefcikova, Viktoria, Sporrer... 1,545
2 High-definition transcranial direct current stimulation of the dorsal anterior cingulate cortex modulates decision-making and executive control Mattavelli, Giulia, Lo Presti... 1,565
3 A novel male Japanese quail structural connectivity atlas using ultra-high field diffusion MRI at 11.7 T Hot, Raissa Yebga, Siwiaszczyk... 1,577
4 Properties of the epileptiform activity in the cingulate cortex of a mouse model of LIS1 dysfunction Dominguez-Sala, E., Andreu-Cervera... 1,599
5 Differential distribution of inhibitory neuron types in subregions of claustrum and dorsal endopiriform nucleus of the short-tailed fruit bat Morello, Timothy, Kollmar... 1,615
6 Sensory representation of visual stimuli in the coupling of low-frequency phase to spike times Zarei, Mohammad, Jahed... 1,641
7 Medial prefrontal and occipito-temporal activity at encoding determines enhanced recognition of threatening faces after 1.5 years Zhou, Xinqi, Zeng... 1,655
8 Spatial-temporal topography in neurogenesis of the macaque thalamus Spadory, Taylor, Duque... 1,673
9 From words to phrases: neural basis of social event semantic composition Yang, Huichao, Bi... 1,683
10 Task-related connectivity of decision points during spatial navigation in a schematic map Qi, Qing, Weng... 1,697