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1 Living with COVID-19: Subjective Well-Being in the Second Phase of the Pandemic Henseke, Golo, Green... 1,679
2 Explore with Me: Peer Observation Decreases Risk-Taking but Increases Exploration Tendencies across Adolescence Lorenz, Corinna, Kray... 1,693
3 Anger Rumination in Early Adolescence: Risk Factor or Outcome of Depressive Symptoms? A Prospective Study Spyropoulou, Elli, Giovazolias... 1,708
4 Emotional Reactivity and Inhibitory Control in Nonsuicidal Self-Injury Adolescence: Divergence Between Positive and Negative Emotions Liu, Jinmeng, Gao... 1,720
5 Cumulative Neighborhood Risk and Subsequent Internalizing Behavior among Asian American Adolescents Lee, Woo Jung, Hackman... 1,733
6 Developmental Relations Between Bullying Victimization and Suicidal Ideation in Middle Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood: Do Internalizing Problems and Substance Use Mediate Their Links? Zhu, Xinxin, Griffiths... 1,745
7 A Person-Centered Approach to Adolescent Nonsuicidal Self-Injury: Predictors and Correlates in a Community Sample Reinhardt, Melinda, Rice... 1,760
8 Parent-child Communication, Social Norms, and the Development of Cyber Aggression in Early Adolescence Bullo, Anna, Schulz... 1,774
9 Who Does Cohesion Benefit? Race, Gender, and Peer Networks Associated with Adolescent Depressive Symptoms Copeland, Molly, Kamis... 1,787
10 Longitudinal Associations between Social Relationships and Alcohol Use from Adolescence into Young Adulthood: The Role of Religiousness Gamache, Jordan, Herd... 1,798