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1 The influence of biodiversity-friendly ranching practices on dung beetle diversity in a Mexican mountainous tropical landscape Gomez-Cifuentes, Andres, Huerta... 721
2 Subterranean biodiversity and the depth distribution of beetles (Coleoptera) in forested scree slopes in the Western Carpathians (Slovakia) Jaszayova, Alexandra, Jaszay... 735
3 For the love of insects: gardening grows positive emotions (biophilia) towards invertebrates Vanderstock, Amelie, Grandi-Nagashiro... 751
4 Effects of experimental rewilding on butterflies, bumblebees and grasshoppers Garrido, P., Naumov... 763
5 The encounter of distinct Morimus asper (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) phylogeographic lineages on the Balkan Peninsula: conservation implications Gojkovic, Nemanja, Ludoski... 773
6 Phenology, distribution and conservation of the desert sand-skipper Croitana aestiva Edwards (Lepidoptera: Hesperiidae) Palmer, Christopher M. 793
7 How short are we on the goal line of estimating insect-plant interaction in a hyperdiverse tropical environment? Duarte da Silva, Victor Hugo, Baumgartner... 809
8 Cryptic survival and an unexpected recovery of the long-tailed mayfly Palingenia longicauda (Olivier, 1791) (Ephemeroptera: Palingeniidae) in Southeastern Europe Denes, Avar L., Vaida... 823
9 Attractivity of various artificial light sources to caddisfly (Trichoptera) species and its importance in their sampling and conservation Szanyi, Kalman, Nagy... 839
10 Plant abandonment behavior and fitness of monarch larvae (Danaus plexippus) is not influenced by an intraspecific competitor Fisher, Kelsey E., Bradbury... 851