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序号 标题 作者 起始页 操作
1 Zeolite enhances phosphorus accumulation, translocation, and partitioning in rice under alternate wetting and drying Xia G., Chen T., Chi D....
2 Nitrogen transfer and yield effects of legumes intercropped with the perennial grain crop intermediate wheatgrass Reilly E.C., Sheaffer C.C., Gutknecht J.L....
3 Cultivar, irrigation management, and mepiquat chloride strategy: Effects on cotton growth, maturity, yield, and fiber quality Chalise D.P., Snider J.L., Hand L.C....
4 Accurate model of nitrogen accumulation in transplanted rice under different nutrient distribution ratios Ni L., Lu Y., Wang L....
5 Kernel weight relevance in maize grain yield response to nitrogen fertilization Ruiz A., Archontoulis S.V., Borras L.
6 Establishing a critical nitrogen dilution curve for estimating nitrogen nutrition index of potato crop in tropical environments Sandana P., Makowski D., Ciampitti I.A....
7 Eco-physiological yield determinants in four potato genotypes grown in a temperate environment Andrade F.H., Monzon J.P., Caldiz D.O....
8 Genotype x environment interaction and stability analyses of grain yield and micronutrient (Fe and Zn) concentrations in navy bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) genotypes under varied production environments Mutari B., Sibiya J., Kondwakwenda A....
9 A multienvironmental evaluation of the N, P and K use efficiency of a large wheat diversity panel Xu J., Gao Z., Liu S....
10 Effects of expanding cassava planting and harvesting windows on root yield, starch content and revenue in southwestern Nigeria Pypers P., Tariku M., Enesi R.O....