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序号 标题 作者 起始页 操作
1 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Ballot C., Blecksmith R., Filaseta M.... 1,469
2 Supercentenarian Paradox Gurvich V., Naumova M. 1,472
3 Algebraic and Analytic Compactifications of Moduli Spaces Gallardo P., Kerr M. 1,476
4 Algebraic Theory of Phase Retrieval Bendory T., Edidin D. 1,487
5 Descriptive Combinatorics and Distributed Algorithms Bernshteyn A. 1,496
6 Infinite Cardinals and Combinatorial Principles Sinapova D. 1,510
7 Mendel of Mathematics Rosenberg N.A. 1,564
8 Racial Equity in Mathematics Reflections and Recommendations from a Black Mathematics Educator Jett C.C. 1,566
9 WHAT IS … a Graphical Design? Babecki C. 1,571
10 The Kuramoto–Sivashinky Equation Baez J.C., Weis C., Huntsman S. 1,581