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1 Issue Information
2 Carp edema virus infection associated gill pathobiome: A case report Miroslava Palíková, Lenka Dávidová‐Ger?ová, Věra Nováková... 1,409
3 Establishment and characterization of a spinal cord tissue cell line from mandarin fish, Siniperca chuatsi and its susceptibility to several viruses Jinpeng Gong, Xiaoyi Pan, Lingyun Lin... 1,419
4 Protective immunity by DNA vaccine against Micropterus salmoides rhabdovirus Bin Yang, Zi‐Rao Guo, Zhao Zhao... 1,429
5 Development and characterization of a skin cell line from Chinese perch (Siniperca chuatsi) and its application in aquatic animal viruses Xian‐Yu Meng, Zi‐Hao Wang, Xue‐Dong Yu... 1,439
6 Establishment of an astrocyte‐like cell line from the brain of tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) for virus pathogenesis and a vitro model of the blood–brain barrier Dongneng Jiang, Ji‐chang Jian, Yi‐shan Lu... 1,451
7 Progression of infection and detection of Pseudoloma neurophilia in zebrafish Danio rerio Hamilton by PCR and histology Corbin J. Schuster, Taylor G. Kreul, Colleen E. Al‐Samarrie... 1,463
8 Essential role of ascO for virulence of Aeromonas veronii and inducing apoptosis Tong Zhao, Bintong Yang, Hongjin Li... 1,477
9 Transcriptome analysis and co‐expression network reveal the mechanism linking mitochondrial function to immune regulation in red crucian carp (Carassius auratus red var) after Aeromonas hydrophila challenge Jie Ou, Shi‐Yun Li, Jia‐Hui Zhao... 1,491
10 Immune responses to Vibrio vulnificus formalin‐killed vaccine and ghost vaccine in Scophthalmus maximus Shun Zhou, Ying Li, Jingyuan Yi... 1,511