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1 Evaluation of harvest time effects on the combustion quality of warm- and cool-season perennial grasses in two contrasting semi-arid environments Kusvuran A., Nazli R.I., Tansi V....
2 Estimating technological parameters and stem productivity of sugarcane treated with rock powder using a proximal spectroradiometer Vis-NIR-SWIR de Oliveira R.B., D'Avila R.C., Rodrigues M....
3 Development of soy protein concentrate/hemp fiber-based biocomposite foams: Effects of alkaline treatment and poly(lactic acid) coating Kim B.S., Garcia C.V., Shin G.H....
4 Pyrogallol loaded thermoplastic cassava starch based films as bio-based oxygen scavengers Promsorn J., Harnkarnsujarit N.
5 Probing the mechanism of green solvent solubilization of hemicellulose based on molecular dynamics simulations Wang W., Kong Y., Peng J....
6 Determination of moisture sorption isotherms of industrial hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) flower and leaf composite powders Oduola A.A., Luthra K., Atungulu G.G.
7 Miscanthus and Sorghum as sustainable biomass sources for nanocellulose production Babicka M., Wozniak M., Ratajczak I....
8 Characterization of industry grade soybean wax for potential applications in natural fiber reinforced composite (NFRC) filaments Surendran A.N., Ajjarapu K.P.K., Arumugham A.A....
9 The contribution mechanism of furfuryl alcohol treatment on the dimensional stability of plantation wood Li G., Chu F., Yang S....
10 Self-healing modified liquefied lignocellulosic cross-linked bio-based polymer for controlled-release urea Tian H., Zhang L., Sun X....