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序号 标题 作者 起始页 操作
1 Comparison of the Effects of 4-CPA and CPPU Treatment on Melon Cell Size and Sugar Accumulation Yasutaka KANO 147
2 Reclamation of Saline Soil in Northeastern Thailand Using a Solar-Powered Pump to Control Groundwater Levels Junya TATSUNO, Yohei HASHIMOTO, Kiyoshi TATIMA... 155
3 Atmospheric CO2 Enrichment of Potato in the Subarctic: Root Distribution and Soil Biology Stephen A. PRIOR, G. Brett RUNION, Hugo H. ROGERS... 165
4 Iron Deficiency Induced Changes in Chlorophyll andFerric Reductase Activity in Asian Pear Rootstocks(Pyrus 5/7/7.) with Hydroponics Chunhui MA, Kenji TANABE, Akihiro ITAI... 173
5 Effects of Environmental Controls on the Growth of Wasabi(Eutrema japonica (Miq.) Koidz.) in a NutrientSolution Cultivation System Shqji OGUNI, Kazumasa KAKIBUCHI, Yoshihiro KATAYAMA 181
6 Heterosis in Temperature Responses of Photosynthetic Characters in Fi Hybrid Rice Cuong Van PHAM, Satoshi MIYAGI, Seiichi MURAYAMA... 193
7 Effects of Planting Density and Methods of RaisingSeedlings on Flowering, Yield and Quality of CutFlowers in Snapdragons (Antirrhinum majus L.) Zentaro INABA, Miyuki OHSHIRO 201
8 The Structure of Water Induced by Specific CeramicsTreatment and Effects of Treated Water in View ofSome Biological Aspects Kazuishi SATO, Mariko AGO, Katsumi ISHIKAWA... 211
9 Growth of Radish Sprouts Cultivated in Electrolyzed and Non-Electrolyzed Solutions with Different Strengths Masahiko TAMAKI, Tosifumi UEDA, Seiichiro ISOBE 223
10 Evaluation of the Properties of a Portable Ion Analyzer for Hydroponic Nutrient Solutions Hiroki YAMAZAKI, Ryuji ToKUGAWA, Masatoshi OsANAi... 227