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1 Issue Information ‐ Author Guidelines
2 Biology, distribution, conservation status and stocking perspective of freshwater crayfish in Greece: An updated review Maria V. Alvanou, Dimitrios K. Papadopoulos, Athanasios Lattos... 5,115
3 Cyanobacterial blooms in earthen aquaculture ponds and their impact on fisheries and human health in Bangladesh Sunzida Sultana, Sadiqul Awal, Nowrin Akter Shaika... 5,129
4 Effects of native and pregelatinized starches on feed physical properties, digestibility, growth, nutrient utilization and histology of liver and intestine of juvenile tinfoil barb (Barbonymus schwanenfeldii, Bleeker 1853) Mohamed Salihu Mohamed Nafees, Mohd Salleh Kamarudin, Murni Karim... 5,142
5 Macrophage‐inducible C‐type lectin (MINCLE): In silico characterization and its in vitro effects on head–kidney leukocytes from the fish Lutjanus peru Crystal Guluarte, Martha Reyes‐Becerril, Sergio Rosales‐Mendoza... 5,159
6 Enhancing replacement of fishmeal with corn protein concentrate by blending with soy protein concentrate and supplementing attractants in the diets of red hybrid tilapia Wing‐Keong Ng, Tze‐Chin Leow, Rodrigue Yossa 5,171
7 Growth modelling based on different feeding protocols of turbot (Psetta maxima) Süleyman ?engül, Devran Yazir, ?ebnem Atasaral... 5,184
8 Evaluation of maturation promoting factor in polychaete (Marphysa sp.) on Indian White Prawn, Penaeus indicus?female broodstock Sheryll S. Santander‐Avance?a, Rex Ferdinand M. Traifalgar, Harold M. Monteclaro... 5,195
9 Live transport of the green sea urchin (Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis) in air and immersed in seawater and the impact on subsequent roe enhancement after in‐water transport Philip James, Tor Evensen 5,205
10 Enhanced growth of the pleasure oyster Crassostrea corteziensis cultured under integrated multi‐trophic aquaculture (IMTA) concept, using farm effluents of shrimp Penaeus vannamei José Manuel Mazón‐Suástegui, Guadalupe Fabiola Arcos‐Ortega, Carlos Noé Contreras‐Mendoza... 5,214