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序号 标题 作者 起始页 操作
1 Mesoporous magnesia sorbent for removal of organic contaminant methyl tert -butyl ether (MTBE) from water Ekinci, Emine Kaya 843
2 Effective biosorption of methylene blue dye from aqueous solution using wild macrofungus (Lactarius piperatus) Isik, Birol, Ugraskan... 854
3 Microwave-assisted extraction of sodium alginate from brown macroalgae Nizimuddinia zanardini, optimization and physicochemical properties Torabi, Payam, Hamdami... 872
4 Purification of oncolytic measles virus by cation-exchange chromatography using resin-based stationary phases Eckhardt, Dustin, Dieken... 886
5 Poly(epsilon-caprolactone) electrospun nanofibers decorated with copper hexacyanoferrate as an ion exchanger for effective cesium ion removal Saberi, Reza, Sadjadi... 897
6 Integration of hydroxyapatite from fish scales and polyethersulfone membrane for protease separation from Bacillus subtilis Alias, Maslinda, Hamzah... 910
7 Review of foam fractionation as a water treatment technology Buckley, Thomas, Xu... 929
8 Preparation and characterization of experimental oily wastewater: effect of rotor speeds and oil/water ratios in an in-line high-share mixer Sang, Yimin, He... 959
9 Studies on the aggregation behavior of mineral acid and Zr(IV) loaded Tris(2-methylbutyl) phosphate and tri-n-alkyl phosphate systems using small angle neutron scattering Sarkar, Subramee, Suresh... 968
10 Adaptability analysis of operating parameters of hydrate hydrocyclone separator based on a CFD simulation Fang, Xing, Wang... 979