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序号 标题 作者 起始页 操作
1 Using common-reflection-surface stack for enhanced near-surface seismic reflection imaging: Examples from consolidated and unconsolidated environments Parsa Bakhtiari Rad, Craig J. Hickey
2 Analysis of direct current resistivity data using continuous wavelet transform Dora Francesca Barbolla, Sergio Negri, Maurizio Fedi
3 2D magnetotelluric inversion using hybrid stabilizing functionals: Exponential minimum support and smoothness Han Song, Peng Yu, Cheng Wang...
4 Dielectric properties of porous rocks with partially saturated fractures from finite-difference modeling Tongcheng Han, Li-Yun Fu, Hongshuai Bao
5 Influence of shear velocity on elastic full-waveform inversion: Gulf of Mexico case study using multicomponent ocean-bottom node data Yongchae Cho, Carlos Pérez Solano, John Kimbro...
6 DecNet: Decomposition network for 3D gravity inversion Siyuan Sun, Yunhe Liu, Xiuyan Ren...
7 Experimental measurement of the exclusion-diffusion potential in sandstone and shaly sand samples at full and partial water saturation Mutlaq Alarouj, Matthew David Jackson
8 Bayesian amplitude variation with angle and azimuth inversion for direct estimates of a new brittleness indicator and fracture density Lin Li, Guangzhi Zhang, Jinmiao Zhang...
9 Wave-induced thermal flux and scattering of P waves in a medium with aligned circular cracks Jia Wei, Li-Yun Fu, José M. Carcione...
10 Multiplicative random seismic noise caused by small-scale near-surface scattering and its transformation during stacking Andrey Bakulin, Dmitry Neklyudov, Ilya Silvestrov