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1 Genetic recruitment patterns are patchy and spatiotemporally unpredictable in a deep-water snapper (Lutjanus vivanus) sampled in fished and protected areas of western Puerto Rico Willis, Stuart C., Hollenbeck... 435
2 Conservation genomics of an Australian cycad Cycas calcicola, and the Absence of Key Genotypes in Botanic Gardens Clugston, James A. R., Ruhsam... 449
3 Exploring the effect of 195 years-old locks on species movement: landscape genetics of painted turtles in the Rideau Canal, Canada Turcotte, Audrey, Blouin-Demers... 467
4 Restoring marble trout genes in the Soca River (Slovenia) Two decades of monitoring the introgression Berrebi, Patrick, Jesensek... 481
5 Strong population genetic structure and cryptic diversity in the Florida bonneted bat (Eumops floridanus) Austin, James D., Gore... 495
6 Population genetics, demographic and evolutionary history of the Dudley's lousewort (Pedicularis dudleyi), a rare redwood forest specialist Misiewicz, Tracy M., Hauser... 513
7 The Balkan chamois, an archipelago or a peninsula? Insights from nuclear and mitochondrial DNA Rezic, Andrea, Iacolina... 527
8 Genome-wide SNPs detect fine-scale genetic structure in threatened populations of squirrel glider Petaurus norfolcensis Knipler, Monica L., Dowton... 541
9 Selection and localised genetic structure in the threatened Manauense Harlequin Frog (Bufonidae: Atelopus manauensis) Lima, Albertina Pimentel, Stow... 559
10 Population structure and genetic diversity of the threatened pygmy newt Triturus pygmaeus in a network of natural and artificial ponds Albert, Eva M., Garcia-Navas... 575