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1 Does bait type and bait container configuration influence the performance of remote underwater video systems in temperate freshwater lakes for assessing fish community structure? Glassman, D. M., Chhor... 1,981
2 Desiccation risk favours prevalence and diversity of tardigrade communities and influences their trophic structure in alpine ephemeral rock pools Vecchi, Matteo, Ferrari... 1,995
3 Sexual size dimorphism of two common European percid fish: linkage with spatial distribution and diet Prchalova, M., Zak... 2,009
4 Sensitivity of newly transformed juveniles of the freshwater pearl mussel: Margaritifera margaritifera to acute toxicity of a wide range of contaminants Belamy, Tiare, Baudrimont... 2,029
5 An evaluation of the genetic connectivity and temporal stability of the blue and red shrimp Aristeus antennatus: a case study of spawning females' grounds in the Western Mediterranean Sea Agullo, Melania, Heras... 2,043
6 Effect of rainbow trout introductions on food webs in lakes of the arid Patagonia Porcel, Sol, Fogel... 2,057
7 A suction pump sampler for invertebrate drift detects exceptionally high concentrations of small invertebrates that drift nets miss Neuswanger, Jason R., Schoen... 2,077
8 Stable isotope analysis reveals trophic segregation between the invasive zebra mussel Dreissena polymorpha and the native duck mussel Anodonta anatina in Lake Trasimeno (Italy) Ludovisi, Alessandro, Goretti... 2,091
9 Fish larvae-environment networks: co-occurrence patterns, nestedness and robustness of reproductive guilds Rosa, Rafael Rogerio, Bellay... 2,109
10 Winter severity shapes spring plankton succession in a small, eutrophic lake Hrycik, Allison R., McFarland... 2,127