序号 标题 作者 起始页 操作
1 Simultaneous niche expansion and contraction in plant–pollinator networks under drought Connor Morozumi, Xingwen Loy, Victoria Reynolds...
2 Environmental change alters nitrogen fixation rates and microbial parameters in a subarctic biological soil crust Alejandro Salazar, Denis Warshan, Clara Vasquez‐Mejia...
3 Prey naiveté alters the balance of consumptive and non‐consumptive predator effects and shapes trophic cascades in freshwater plankton Henry K. Baker, Stephanie S. Li, Stefan C. Samu...
4 An eco‐evolutionary perspective on the humpty‐dumpty effect and community restoration Annette E. Evans, Marketa Zimova, Sean T. Giery...
5 How to outrun your parasites (or mutualists): symbiont transmission mode is key Allison K. Shaw
6 Seeing shapes in clouds: the fallacy of deriving ecological hypotheses from statistical distributions Robert J. Warren, James T. Costa, Mark A. Bradford
7 Bamboo climatic tolerances are decoupled from leaf functional traits across an Andean elevation gradient Belen Fadrique, Chris Baraloto, Catherine H. Bravo‐Avila...
8 Pulsed resources and the resource‐prediction strategy: a field‐test using a 36‐year study of small mammals Malcolm L. Hunter, Jack Witham, Alessio Mortelliti...
9 Phenotypic plasticity and the leaf economics spectrum: plasticity is positively associated with specific leaf area Gisela C. Stotz, Cristian Salgado‐Luarte, Víctor M. Escobedo...
10 Environmental stochasticity increases extinction risk to a greater degree in pollination specialists than in generalists Christine E. Dumoulin, Paul R. Armsworth