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序号 标题 作者 起始页 操作
1 Refractive outcomes of femtosecond laser-assisted cataract surgery with arcuate keratotomy and standard phacoemulsification with toric intraocular lens implantation Meng-Yin, Lin, Yun-Dun... 2,633
2 Correction to: Refractive outcomes of femtosecond laser-assisted cataract surgery with arcuate keratotomy and standard phacoemulsification with toric intraocular lens implantation Meng-Yin, Lin, Yun-Dun... 2,643
3 Analysis of pupil size by repeat dilation at shrinkage stage Weili, Zhang, Yanjiang... 2,645
4 Retino-choroidal evaluation of the macular region in eyes with tubercular serpiginous-like choroiditis using swept-source optical coherence tomography angiography Kowsigan, Magesan, Ramya... 2,651
5 Validation of the multi-metric D-index change in the assessment of keratoconus progression Roy, Yavnieli, Hagar... 2,665
6 Quality-adjusted life years in macular oedema due to age-related macular degeneration, diabetes and central retinal vein occlusion: the impact of anti-VEGF agents in a tertiary centre in Greece Nikolaos T., Voutsas, Eleni... 2,673
7 Outcomes of combined single-use dual blade goniotomy and cataract surgery Sabine, Baumgarten, Niklas... 2,685
8 Clinical spectrum, disease course and management outcome of post-fever retinitis cases: experience from a tertiary eye institute in central India Samendra, Karkhur, Deepak... 2,697
9 Refractive outcomes of toric intraocular lens in combined trabecular micro bypass stent implantation and cataract surgery in glaucomatous eyes Cristina, López-Caballero, Carmen... 2,711
10 The association of various obstetric and perinatal factors with retinopathy of prematurity Ozlem, Ozgur Gursoy, Hulusi Goktug... 2,719