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序号 标题 作者 起始页 操作
1 Super-technology, quality of life and ethics in surgery Campanelli, G. 971
2 Mesh fixation techniques for inguinal hernia repair: an overview of systematic reviews of randomised controlled trials Alabi, A., Haladu... 973
3 Meta-analysis of the outcomes of Trans Rectus Sheath Extra-Peritoneal Procedure (TREPP) for inguinal hernia Hajibandeh, S., Evans... 989
4 Should asymptomatic contralateral inguinal hernia be laparoscopically repaired in the adult population as benefits greatly outweigh risks? A systematic review and meta-analysis Park, Jung B., Chong... 999
5 Varying convalescence recommendations after inguinal hernia repair: a systematic scoping review Harmankaya, S., Oberg... 1,009
6 Inguinal hernia repairs performed for recurrence in Spain: population-based study of 16 years and 1,302,788 patients Guillaumes, S., Juvany... 1,023
7 Comparison of perioperative outcomes between non-obese and obese patients undergoing robotic inguinal hernia repair: a propensity score matching analysis Kudsi, O. Y., Bou-Ayash... 1,033
8 Inguinal hernia TAPP repair using Senhance (R) robotic platform: first multicenter report from the TRUST registry Schilcher, F., Slabadzin... 1,041
9 Recurrence and complications after sliding inguinal hernia repair Bodilsen, A., Brandsborg... 1,047
10 Proctored preceptorship model for learning eTEP repair for inguinal hernia for general surgery residents Mnouskin, Y., Assaf... 1,053