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序号 标题 作者 起始页 操作
1 Issue Information 529
2 Helping the crisis in peer review Susan Gennaro 533
3 Effect of ethnicity, country of origin and workplace on health behaviors and health perception among nurses: Cross‐sectional study Ilya Kagan, Arnona Ziv, Carmit Rubin... 535
4 Prevalence and risk factors of fatigue in type 1 and type 2 diabetes: A systematic review and meta‐analysis Debby Syahru Romadlon, Faizul Hasan, Bayu Satria Wiratama... 546
5 The effectiveness of a parent participation in postoperative pain management programs for children in a urology ward: A randomized controlled trial Jin‐Xia Yang, Wen‐Ying Yao, Fang Zhang... 554
6 The phenomenon of caring for older patients who are dying from traumatic injuries in the emergency department: An?interpretive phenomenological study Kimberley Ryan, Carol Windsor, Leanne Jack 562
7 Evaluation of nurse‐led social media intervention for diabetes self‐management: A mixed‐method study Su Hyun Kim, Younghee Kim, Sookyung Choi... 569
8 The effect of decision support systems on pain in patients with cancer: A systematic review and meta‐analysis of randomized controlled trials Merve Gozde Sezgin, Hicran Bektas 578
9 Decisional conflicts, anxiety, and perceptions of shared decision‐making in cancer treatment trajectory among adolescents with cancer: A longitudinal study Li‐Min Wu, Shyh‐Shin Chiou, Pei‐Chin Lin... 589
10 Web‐based self‐management intervention for patients with cancer: A meta‐analysis and systematic review Xiaoping Zhang, Lina Ma, Li Feng 598