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序号 标题 作者 起始页 操作
1 Lung Cancer: Epidemiology and Screening Oliver A.L. 335
2 Extended Resections for Lung Cancer Kuckelman J., Debarros M., Bueno R. 345
3 Evaluation and Interventional Management of Cardiac Dysrhythmias Hoff S.J. 365
4 Endobronchial Therapies for Diagnosis, Staging, and Treatment of Lung Cancer Avasarala S.K., Rickman O.B. 393
5 Surgical Management of Pneumothorax and Pleural Space Disease Dhanasopon A.P., Blasberg J.D., Mase V.J. 413
6 Interventional Therapies for Acute Pulmonary Embolism Osho A.A., Dudzinski D.M. 429
7 Management of Coronary Artery Disease Sulava E.F., Johnson J.C. 449
8 Evaluation and Treatment of Massive Hemoptysis Prey B., Francis A., Williams J.... 465
9 Minimally Invasive and Sublobar Resections for Lung Cancer Godfrey C.M., Marmor H.N., Lambright E.S.... 483
10 Chemo and Immuno-Therapeutic Options for Nonsmall Cell Lung Cancer Lung Cancer Santana-Davila R. 493