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1 A reference-anchored oat linkage map reveals quantitative trait loci conferring adult plant resistance to crown rust (Puccinia coronata f. sp. avenae) Nazareno, Eric S., Fiedler... 3,307
2 Mutation in BrGGL7 gene encoding a GDSL esterase / lipase causes male sterility in Chinese cabbage (Brassica rapa L. ssp. pekinensis) Wang, Nan, Feng... 3,323
3 Phenomic selection in wheat breeding: prediction of the genotype-by-environment interaction in multi-environment breeding trials Heumez, Emmanuel, Bouchet... 3,337
4 An allelic variant in the ACS7 gene promotes primary root growth in watermelon Malangisha, Guy Kateta, Ma... 3,357
5 Transcriptome and metabolome profiling of interspecific CSSLs reveals general and specific mechanisms of drought resistance in cotton Sun, Weinan, Lin... 3,375
6 Genomic selection using random regressions on known and latent environmental covariates Tolhurst, Daniel J., Gaynor... 3,393
7 OsHXK3 encodes a hexokinase-like protein that positively regulates grain size in rice Yun, Peng, Li... 3,417
8 Understanding variation in oleic acid content of high-oleic virginia-type peanut Andres, R. J., Dunne... 3,433
9 Genetic mapping, transcriptomic sequencing and metabolic profiling indicated a glutathione S-transferase is responsible for the red-spot-petals in Gossypium arboreum Jiang, Tao, Zhang... 3,443
10 Induced mutation in ELONGATED HYPOCOTYL5 abolishes anthocyanin accumulation in the hypocotyl of pepper Chen, Rong, Yang... 3,455