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序号 标题 作者 起始页 操作
1 Parasympathetic cardiac control during attentional focus and worry in major depressive disorder Bair, Angela, Marksteiner... 1
2 Entrainment of somatosensory beta and gamma oscillations accompany improvement in tactile acuity after periodic and aperiodic repetitive sensory stimulation Ross, Bernhard, Dobri... 11
3 Punishment cost affects third-parties' behavioral and neural responses to unfairness Cheng, Xuemei, Zheng... 27
4 Interoceptive influences on the production of self-serving lies in reputation risk conditions Vabba, Alisha, Porciello... 34
5 A comparative review of the psychophysiology of attention in children with and without attention deficit hyperactivity disorder Karakas, Sirel 43
6 When does vagal activity benefit to the discrimination of highly overlapping memory traces? Magnon, Valentin, Mille... 61
7 The relationship between Intolerance of Uncertainty and conditioned fear acquisition: Evidence from a large sample Mertens, Gaetan, De Wolf... 67
8 Incidental affective influences on effort-related cardiac response: The critical role of choosing task characteristics Falk, Johanna R., Gollwitzer... 76
9 The roles of pitch type and lexicality in the hemispheric lateralization for lexical tone processing: An ERP study Yu, Keke, Chen... 83
10 Perceptual decision-making ?in the wild?: How risk propensity and injury exposure experience influence the neural signatures of occupational hazard recognition Chen, Jingjing, Xu... 92