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序号 标题 作者 起始页 操作
1 MicroRNA-217 modulates inflammation, oxidative stress, and lung injury in septic mice via SIRT1 Jie, Yan, Fan... 1
2 An adenoviral vector encoded with the GPx-1 gene attenuates memory impairments induced by β-amyloid (1-42) in GPx-1 KO mice via activation of M1 mAChR-mediated signalling Eun-Joo, Shin, Sung Hoon... 11
3 Autism spectrum disorder (ASD)-associated mitochondrial deficits are revealed in children’s platelets but unimproved by hyperbaric oxygen therapy Engy A., Abdel-Rahman, Eman A.... 26
4 Systemic RNA oxidation can be used as a biomarker of infection in challenged with Vibrio parahaemolyticus Ya-Ya, Pian, Jing-Jing... 41
5 Proportional coexistence of okanin chalcone glycoside and okanin flavanone glycoside in Bidens pilosa leaves and theoretical investigation on the antioxidant properties of their aglycones Mwadham M., Kabanda, Sefater... 53
6 MicroRNA-499-5p targets SIRT1 to aggravate lipopolysaccharide-induced acute lung injury Fan, Yang, Jie... 71
7 Gasotransmitter signaling in energy homeostasis and metabolic disorders Amr, Ali, Yuehong... 83
8 Silver nanoparticles-induced H2O2 triggers apoptosis-like death and is associated with dinF in Escherichia coli Suhyun, Kim, Dong Gun... 107
9 Effects of redox interference on the pancreatic mitochondria and the abnormal blood glucose Feizhou, Xie, Meiling... 119
10 Increased inspired oxygen concentration does not adversely affect oxidative stress and the resolution of inflammation during reperfusion in patients undergoing knee replacement surgery Anne, Barden, Tomas B.... 131