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1 Tomosynthesis with synthesised two-dimensional mammography yields higher cancer detection compared to digital mammography alone, also in dense breasts and in younger women: A systematic review and meta-analysis Heywang-Kobrunner, Sylvia-H., Jansch... 1
2 MRI-based texture analysis for differentiate between pediatric posterior fossa ependymoma type A and B Cui, Zhimeng, Ren... 110,288
3 Diagnostic accuracy of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) versus dynamic ultrasound for plantar plate injuries: A systematic review and meta-analysis Albright, Rachel H., Brooks... 110,315
4 AI-based prevention of interval cancers in a national mammography screening program Byng, Danalyn, Strauch... 110,321
5 Breast cancers originating from the terminal ductal lobular units: In situ and invasive acinar adenocarcinoma of the breast, AAB Tabar, Laszlo, Dean... 110,323
6 Non-invasive evaluation of esophageal varices in patients with liver cirrhosis using low-dose splenic perfusion CT Yan, Cheng, Han... 110,326
7 Image quality assessment of artificial intelligence iterative reconstruction for low dose aortic CTA: A feasibility study of 70 kVp and reduced contrast medium volume (vol 149, 110221, 2022) Li, Wanjiang, You... 110,331
8 Additional value of superb microvascular imaging of ultrasound examinations to evaluate focal liver lesions Jeon, Sun Kyung, Lee... 110,332
9 CT fluoroscopy-guided percutaneous gastrostomy (CT-PG) - A single center experience in 233 patients Segger, Laura, Auer... 110,333
10 Axillary lymph node characteristics in breast cancer patients versus post-COVID-19 vaccination: Overview of current evidence per imaging modality van Nijnatten, T. J. A., Jochelson... 110,334