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序号 标题 作者 起始页 操作
1 Effects of non-supervised exercise interventions on bone mineral density in adult women: a systematic review and meta-analysis Sanchez-Trigo, H., Rittweger... 1,415
2 Short- and long-term prognostic factors associated with functional recovery in elderly patients with hip fracture: A systematic review Araiza-Nava, Berenice, Mendez-Sanchez... 1,429
3 Effect of coordinator-based osteoporosis intervention on quality of life in patients with fragility fractures: a prospective randomized trial Okuda, R., Osaki... 1,445
4 FREM predicts 10-year incident fracture risk independent of FRAX (R) probability: a registry-based cohort study Leslie, William D., Moeller... 1,457
5 Prognosis and institutionalization of frail community-dwelling older patients following a proximal femoral fracture: a multicenter retrospective cohort study Loggers, S. A., I... 1,465
6 The association of frailty with clinical and economic outcomes among hospitalized older adults with hip fracture surgery Kwak, M. J., Digbeu... 1,477
7 Physical function and physical activity in adults with X-linked hypophosphatemia Orlando, G., Bubbear... 1,485
8 The prevalence of Schmorl's nodes in osteoporotic vs normal patients: a Middle Eastern population study Othman, M., Menon... 1,493
9 Osteoporosis-pseudoglioma syndrome in four new patients: identification of two novel LRP5 variants and insights on patients' management using bisphosphonates therapy Abdel-Hamid, Mohamed S., Elhossini... 1,501
10 Bone material strength index as measured by in vivo impact microindentation is normal in subjects with high-energy trauma fractures Schoeb, M., Winter... 1,511