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序号 标题 作者 起始页 操作
1 A New Cell Signal Regulation Theory: Blocking the Signal from being Reactivated Before a New Activation He, Jiman, Zhu... 273
2 14-3-3 Proteins are Potential Regulators of Liquid-Liquid Phase Separation Huang, Xianlong, Zheng... 277
3 Guanylate Binding Protein 1 (GBP1): A Key Protein in Inflammatory Pyroptosis Johns, Colleen Elsa, Galam... 295
4 Identification of Three Key Genes Associated with Hepatocellular Carcinoma Progression Based on Co-expression Analysis Zhang, Fangfang, Lin... 301
5 FGF Exhibits an Important Biological Role on Regulating Cell Proliferation of Breast Cancer When it Transports Into The Cell Nuclei Gao, Yu, Wang... 311
6 Galanin enhanced insulin-mediated intracellular signaling by regulating the stability of membrane-localized insulin/IR Li, GuangZhi, Qin... 321
7 Itraconazole-Induced the Activation of Adenosine 5 '-Monophosphate (Amp)-Activated Protein Kinase Inhibits Tumor Growth of Melanoma via Inhibiting ERK Signaling Fan, Ni, Sun... 331
8 Astragalus Polysaccharides Reduce High-glucose-induced Rat Aortic Endothelial Cell Senescence and Inflammasome Activation by Modulating the Mitochondrial Na+/Ca2+ Exchanger Miao, Xin-Yu, Zhu... 341
9 Interleukin-4-induced FABP4 promotes lipogenesis in human skeletal muscle cells by activating the PPAR gamma signaling pathway Wang, Xin-wen, Sun... 355
10 Two hours of heat stress induces MAP-kinase signaling and autophagasome accumulation in C2C12 myotubes Summers, Corey M., Valentine... 367