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序号 标题 作者 起始页 操作
1 Determination of ginsenoside Rh3 in rat plasma by LC-MS/MS and its application to a pharmacokinetic study Ting Yang, Wenwu Xu, Xiyu Wei...
2 The metabolite profiling of 3,4-dicaffeoylquinic acid in Sprague-Dawley rats using ultra-high performance liquid chromatography equipped with linear ion trap-Orbitrap MS Yuanyuan Zhao, Yiran Ren, Zhenqing Liu...
3 A novel UPLC-MS/MS method for simultaneous quantification of trigonelline, 4-hydroxyisoleucine, and diosgenin from Trigonella foenum-graecum extract: Application to pharmacokinetic study in healthy and type 2 diabetic rats Sunil Kumar Dubey, Chrakant Katiyar, Geetika Wadhwa...
4 A new method providing complementary explanation of the blood-enriching function and mechanism of unprocessed Angelica sinensis and its four kinds of processed products based on tissue-integrated metabolomics and confirmatory analysis PengJi, Chen-chen Li, Yan-ming Wei...
5 Simultaneous determination of nicotinamide and N~1 -methylnicotinamide in human serum by LC-MS/MS to associate their serum concentrations with obesity Jihong Chu, Ming Liu, Guoliang Dai...
6 Dose identification of triamcinolone acetonide for noninvasive pre-corneal administration in the treatment of posterior uveitis using a rapid, sensitive HPLC method with photodiode-array detector Mohammed Shareef Khan, Punna Rao Ravi, Tanaje Venkata RadhaKrishna Mullapudi
7 Determination of fingerprints contents of different extracts and parts of six endemic Salvia taxa by GC-MS: Source species for valuable compounds with drug or drug potential Mehmet Akdeniz, Ismail Yener, Demet Dincel...
8 Acoustic ejection mass spectrometry: Development, applications, and future perspective Wilson Z. Shou
9 Highly sensitive quantification of pemetrexed in human plasma using UPLC-MS/MS to support microdosing studies Eleonora W. J. van Ewijk-Beneken Kolmer, Marga J. A. Teulen, Rene J. Boosman...
10 Lipidomic-based investigation into the therapeutic effects of polyene phosphatidylcholine and Babao Dan on rats with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease Yicong Zhang, Jinxiao Lv, Jiayuan Zhang...