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序号 标题 作者 起始页 操作
1 'Rage into action': from carbon democracy to climate democracy? James Goodman, Tom Morton 1,257
2 Reluctant transformers or reconsidering opposition to climate change mitigation? German think tanks between environmentalism and neoliberalism Dieter Plehwe 1,277
3 Energy transition and dialectics: tracing discursive resistance to coal through discourse coalition in India Rajshri Shukla, Pradip Swarnakar 1,296
4 Democratizing global climate governance? The case of indigenous representation in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change(IPCC) Pedram Rashidi, Kristen Lyons 1,312
5 Who wins and who loses from renewable energy transition? Large-scale solar, land, and livelihood in Karnataka, India Devleena Ghosh, Gareth Bryant, Priya Pillai 1,328
6 Legitimizing energy transitions through community participation: Germany and Australia at a crossroad Franziska Mey, Anne Kallies, John Wiseman... 1,344
7 Comparing local energy conflicts in NSW Australia: moving to climate generosity Jonathan Paul Marshall 1,363
8 Climate camps and environmental movements. Impacting the coal industry and practicing 'system change' Katja Mueller 1,380
9 Climate movements in Germany, India, and Australia: dynamics of transition, transformation, and emergency James Goodman, Tom Morton 1,393
10 Climate, violence, resource extraction and ecological debt: global implications of an assassination on South Africa's coal mining belt Patrick Bond 1,411