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序号 标题 作者 起始页 操作
1 Editorial Board 1
2 Agri-political Organizations in Environmental Governance: Representing Farmer Interests in Regional Partnerships B. M. Taylor<sup>a</sup><sup>b</sup><sup>*</sup> , G. A. Lawrence<sup>a</sup> 337
3 The Case for Policy Changes in New Zealand Housing Standards Due to Cooling and Climate Change Hugh Byrd<sup>a</sup><sup>*</sup> 360
4 Waste Dynamics, Country Heterogeneity and European Environmental Policy Effectiveness Francesco Nicolli<sup>a</sup><sup>b</sup>, Massimiliano Mazzanti<sup>a</sup><sup>b</sup><sup>*</sup> , Valentina Iafolla<sup>c</sup> 371
5 Coupling Protected Area Governance and Management through Planning Bimo A. Nkhata<sup>a</sup><sup>*</sup> , Stephen F. McCool<sup>b</sup> 394
6 Ecological Modernization in Practice? The Case of Sustainable Development in Sweden Rolf Lidskog<sup>a</sup><sup>*</sup> , Ingemar Elander<sup>a</sup> 411
7 Transaction Costs of Institutional Change in Multiple-Use Commons: The Case of Consultations Between Forestry and Reindeer Husbandry in Northern Sweden Camilla Widmark<sup>a</sup><sup>*</sup> , Camilla Sandstrom<sup>b</sup> 428
8 Collaborative Tourism Planning in Ireland: Tokenistic Consultation and the Politics of Participation Noel Healy<sup>a</sup><sup>*</sup>, Henrike Rau<sup>b</sup> , John McDonagh<sup>c</sup> 450
9 Beyond Consensus: Improving Collaborative Planning and Management Kirk Emerson<sup>a</sup><sup>*</sup> 472
10 Sustainable Development Law in the UK: From Rhetoric to Reality? Thomas L. Muinzer<sup>a</sup><sup>*</sup> 473