




收藏 分享
序号 标题 作者 起始页 操作
1 Editorial Thomas Christiansen , Simon Duke 683
2 Understanding and Assessing the Maastricht Treaty Thomas Christiansen, Simon Duke , Emil Kirchner 685
3 Still Rooted in Maastricht: EU External Relations as a ‘Third-generation Hybrid’ Michael Smith 699
4 Justice and Home Affairs: The Treaty of Maastricht as a Decisive Intergovernmental Gate Opener Jörg Monar<sup>a</sup><sup>b</sup><sup>*</sup> 717
5 Twenty Years of Co-decision Since Maastricht: Inter- and Intrainstitutional Implications Anne Rasmussen<sup>a</sup><sup>*</sup> 735
6 The Maastricht Treaty and the European Council: The History of an Institutional Evolution Wolfgang Wessels<sup>a</sup><sup>*</sup> 753
7 The Maastricht Treaty at Twenty: A Greco-European Tragedy? James A. Caporaso<sup>a</sup><sup>*</sup> , Min-hyung Kim<sup>b</sup> 769
8 ‘Maastricht Plus’: Managing the Logic of Inherent Imperfections Kenneth Dyson<sup>a</sup><sup>*</sup> 791
9 Post-Maastricht Civil Society and Participatory Democracy Beate Kohler-Koch<sup>a</sup><sup>*</sup> 809
10 In the Face of Crisis: Input Legitimacy, Output Legitimacy and the Political Messianism of European Integration J. H. H. Weiler<sup>a</sup><sup>*</sup> 825