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序号 标题 作者 起始页 操作
1 Corrigendum Ellen Benoit, Michael Pass, Doris Randolph... 1
2 Editorial Board 1
3 Why are current efforts to eliminate female circumcision in Ethiopia misplaced? Jo Boydena* 1,111
4 ‘I think it's about experiencing, like, life’: a qualitative exploration of contemporary adolescent intimate relationships in South Africa Anik Geversab*, Rachel Jewkesac, Cathy Mathewsbd & Alan Flisherb 1,125
5 Sectarianism and the problem of overpopulation: political representations of reproduction in two low-income neighbourhoods of Beirut, Lebanon Ashish Premkumara*, Karma Salemb, Sarah Akhtarc... 1,139
6 Attitudes towards and perceptions of reproductive health needs of persons living with HIV/AIDS in rural Kilimanjaro, Tanzania Mangi J. Ezekiela, Germana H. Leynab, Deodatus C. Kakokoa & Elia J. Mmbagab* 1,153
7 Motivations for, and perceptions and experiences of participating in, a cluster randomised controlled trial of a HIV-behavioural intervention in rural South Africa Rachel Jewkesa, Yandisa Sikweyiyaa*, Mzikazi Ndunab... 1,167
8 ‘Their type of drugs’: perceptions of substance use, sex and social boundaries among young African American and Latino gay and bisexual men Tara A. McKayab*, Bryce McDavittbc, Sheba Georged & Matt G. Mutchlerbce 1,183
9 Khat use among HIV voluntary counselling and testing centre clients in Ethiopia Della Berhanua*, Vivian F. Gob, Andrea Ruffb... 1,197
10 Constructions of lesbian, gay, bisexual and queer identities among young people in contemporary Australia Paul Willisa* 1,213