


收藏 分享
序号 标题 作者 起始页 操作
1 EDITORIAL Gina Wisker Editor 347
2 Shining a light on doctoral reading: implications for doctoral identities and pedagogies Lynn McAlpine<sup>a</sup><sup>*</sup> 351
3 Learners’ internal management of cognitive processing in online learning C.-Y. Chen<sup>a</sup><sup>*</sup> , S. Pedersen<sup>b</sup> 363
4 Learning and motivation to transfer after an e-learning programme: impact of trainees’ motivation to train, personal interaction and satisfaction Stéphanie Peters<sup>a</sup>, Marie Barbier<sup>b</sup>, Daniel Faulx<sup>c</sup> ... 375
5 Hitting the nail on the head: the importance of specific staff development for effective blended learning Tessa Owens<sup>a</sup><sup>*</sup> 389
6 Effects of video podcasting on psychomotor and cognitive performance, attitudes and study behaviour of student physical therapists W. Allen Moore<sup>a</sup><sup>*</sup> , A. Russell Smith 401
7 Integrating service learning in Jordanian higher education Randa Mahasneh<sup>a</sup><sup>*</sup>, Aisheh Tawalbeh<sup>a</sup>, Rana Al-Smadi<sup>a</sup>... 415
8 Exploring the potential of role play in higher education: development of a typology and teacher guidelines Deepa Rao<sup>a</sup> , Ieva Stupans<sup>b</sup><sup>*</sup> 427
9 Teaching undergraduate marketing students using ‘hot seating through puppetry’: an exploratory study Glenn Pearce<sup>a</sup><sup>*</sup> , Nigel Hardiman<sup>b</sup> 437
10 The very thought of education: Psychoanalysis and the impossible professions David Mathew<sup>a</sup><sup>*</sup> 449