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序号 标题 作者 起始页 操作
1 The ‘Vaidya’ – The Ancient Indian Family Physician: The origin of family medicine specialty in India – a call for action by the National Medical Commission (NMC) Kumar Raman 397
2 Catastrophic impact of 1947 partition of India on people’s health Tanveer Tuba, Mathur Nixon, Sarwal Rakesh 401
3 Collage of cases and brief review of the laboratory diagnosis and molecular testing in autoimmune haemolytic anaemia Arora Harkiran, Trivedi Shalini, Jain Pooja... 409
4 A systematic literature review for evaluation of knowledge,attitude,and self-care practice regarding common eye diseases in the healthy general population Alamri Abdulrahman, Alshahrani Atheer Saud Nasser, Alshabab Saud Qasem A... 417
5 Comparison of size of the liver between patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and healthy controls Dorostghol Maryam, Gharibvand Mohammad M, Hanafi Mohammad G... 425
6 A comparison between effects of sudoku and mandala painting on anxiety of breast cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy Cheraghi Parvaneh, Hekmatpour Davood, Rafiei Fatemeh... 431
7 Antitubercular drug-induced lichen planus: A case study with a mini literature review Shanmukhappa Sanjana C, John Winny, Kevalramani Vineeta... 438
8 Perceptions of key stakeholders on peer led strength building program for suicide prevention among young adolescents: A qualitative study from Karnataka,India Meena Kolar Sridara Murthy, Kapanee Aruna Rose Mary, Cherian Anish V... 444
9 Baseline knowledge about hypertension and sociodemographic factors related to salt intake behavior among hypertensive individuals in a rural community of Bangladesh: Substudy of a randomized controlled trial Jahan Yasmin, Rahman Md Moshiur, Moriyama Michiko 451
10 Community-based Advocacy Communication Social Mobilization (ACSM) intervention by empowering key community leaders: Evaluation using the RE-AIM framework Mohan Reenaa, Kalaiselvan Ganapathy 458