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序号 标题 作者 起始页 操作
1 Engagement in Self-measured Blood Pressure Monitoring Among Medically Underresourced Participants (the Reach Out Trial): Digital Framework Qualitative Study Abby Katherine Hellem, Candace Whitfield, Amanda Casetti... 38,900
2 The Impact and Perception of England’s Web-Based Heart Age Test of Cardiovascular Disease Risk: Mixed Methods Study Victoria Riley, Christopher Gidlow, Sophia Fedorowicz... 39,097
3 Patient-Facing Clinical Decision Support for High Blood Pressure Control: Patient Survey David Dorr, Chris D'Autremont, Joshua E Richardson... 39,490
4 Remotely Delivered Cardiac Rehabilitation Exercise for Coronary Heart Disease: Nonrandomized Feasibility Study Oonagh M Giggins, Julie Doyle, Suzanne Smith... 40,283
5 Data Quality Degradation on Prediction Models Generated From Continuous Activity and Heart Rate Monitoring: Exploratory Analysis Using Simulation Jason Hearn, Jef Van den Eynde, Bhargava Chinni... 40,524
6 High-Throughput Assessment of Real-World Medication Effects on QT Interval Prolongation: Observational Study Neal Yuan, Adam Oesterle, Patrick Botting... 41,055
7 Patterns in the Use of Heart Failure Telemonitoring: Post Hoc Analysis of the e-Vita Heart Failure Trial Maaike Brons, Iris ten Klooster, Lisette van Gemert-Pijnen... 41,248
8 Patients’ Experiences With the Fit of Virtual Atrial Fibrillation Care During the Pandemic: Qualitative Descriptive Study Kathy L Rush, Lindsay Burton, Peter Loewen... 41,548
9 A Smartwatch System for Continuous Monitoring of Atrial Fibrillation in Older Adults After Stroke or Transient Ischemic Attack: Application Design Study Dong Han, Eric Y Ding, Chaeho Cho... 41,691
10 Long-Term Results of a Digital Hypertension Self-Management Program: Retrospective Cohort Study Justin Wu, Jenna Napoleone, Sarah Linke... 43,489