OA 收藏 分享
序号 标题 作者 起始页 操作
1 Mitochondrial replication's role in vertebrate mtDNA strand asymmetry André Gomes-dos-Santos, Nair Vilas-Arrondo, André M. Machado... 230,181
2 The role of cilia during organogenesis in zebrafish Junjun Liu, Haibo Xie, Mengfan Wu... 230,228
3 Serum amyloid P component accumulates and persists in neurones following traumatic brain injury Ping K. Yip, Zhou-Hao Liu, Shumaila Hasan... 230,253
4 LIM-HD transcription factors control axial patterning and specify distinct neuronal and intestinal cell identities in planarians M. Dolores Molina, Dema Abduljabbar, Anna Guixeras... 230,327