OA 收藏 分享
序号 标题 作者 起始页 操作
1 Periodic parabolic problem with discontinuous coefficients: Mathematical analysis and numerical simulation Nour Eddine Alaa, Abderrahim Charkaoui, Abdelwahab Elaassri 1,251
2 Semirings of graphs: homomorphisms and applications in network problems Saifur Rahman, Gete Umbrey 1,273
3 Existence of periodic or nonnegative periodic solutions for totally nonlinear neutral differential equations with infinite delay Abderrahim Guerfi, Abdelouaheb Ardjouni 1,297
4 On ultra algebras Bruno Ferreira 1,321
5 On maximum degree (signless) Laplacian matrix of a graph R. Rangarajan, V. D. Raghu, B. R. Rakshith 1,333
6 Generalizations of graded S-primary ideals Tamem Al-shorman, Malik Bataineh, Rashid Abu-dawwas 1,353
7 Semi-commutativity of graded rings and graded modules Malik Bataineh, Mashhoor Refai, Rashid Abu-Dawwas... 1,377
8 On local edge antimagic chromatic number of graphs S. Rajkumar, M. Nalliah 1,397
9 On properties of graded rings and graded modules Mashhoor Refai, Rashid Abu-Dawwas 1,413
10 Codiskcyclic sets of operators on complex topological vector spaces Mohamed Amouch, Otmane Benchiheb 1,439