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序号 标题 作者 起始页 操作
1 Transmembrane potential, an indicator in situ reporting cellular senescence and stress response in plant tissues Hai Liu, Yufei Li, Shaowu Xue... 1
2 Characterization of leaf surface phenotypes based on light interaction Reisha D. Peters, Scott D. Noble 1
3 Low-cost and automated phenotyping system “Phenomenon” for multi-sensor in situ monitoring in plant in vitro culture Hans Bethge, Thomas Rath, Traud Winkelmann... 1
4 Simultaneous determination of protoporphyrin IX and magnesium protoporphyrin IX in Arabidopsis thaliana and Camellia sinensis using UPLC-MS/MS Chenyu Zhang, Chunlei Ma, Li Zhu... 1
5 Efficient strategies for controlled release of nanoencapsulated phytohormones to improve plant stress tolerance Jimmy Sampedro-Guerrero, Vicente Vives-Peris, Aurelio Gomez-Cadenas... 1
6 Scoring the number of B chromosomes in Zea mays L. using droplet digital PCR assay Radim Sva?ina, Lucie Hlou?ková, Miroslava Karafiátová... 1
7 The rapid-tome, a 3D-printed microtome, and an updated hand-sectioning method for high-quality plant sectioning David J. Thomas, Jordan Rainbow, Laura E. Bartley 1
8 A deep learning approach to track Arabidopsis seedlings’ circumnutation from time-lapse videos Yixiang Mao, Hejian Liu, Yao Wang... 1
9 Identifying and mapping individual medicinal plant Lamiophlomis rotata at high elevations by using unmanned aerial vehicles and deep learning Rong Ding, Jiangkai Yang, Jiawei Luo... 1
10 Fast and easy bioassay for the necrotizing fungus Botrytis cinerea on poplar leaves Steven Dreischhoff, Ishani Shankar Das, Andrea Polle... 1