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序号 标题 作者 起始页 操作
1 Pyoderma gangrenosum developed from aggravated pemphigus foliaceous after dog bite Jun Ho Kwak, Chan Ho Na, Bong Seok Shin... 9,633
2 Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation after carbon dioxide laser: review of prevention and risk factors Alhanouf Bin Dakhil, Asem Shadid, Saad Altalhab 9,703
3 New cases of childhood leprosy in two male siblings in low endemic province: an iceberg phenomenon? Dedianto Hidajat, I Gusti Ayu Febi Risantari, Wahyu Sulistya Affarah 9,706
4 Characteristics and decreased Vitiligo Area Scoring Index of vitiligo patients with narrowband-UVB phototherapy in Yogyakarta, Indonesia Nabila Kirtti Pradipta, Viensa Ryoto, Retno Danarti... 9,708
5 Effects of regular exercise on skin moisturizing function in adults Ryosuke Oizumi, Yoshie Sugimoto, Hiromi Aibara 9,711
6 Microwave technology for the treatment of abdomen localized adiposity 9 months follow-up Aura Ibeth Ruiz-Rosas, Lara Ronconi, Irene Fusco 9,739
7 Choosing Wisely Italy, and the role of doctors in containing the climate emergency Antonio Bonaldi, Sandra Vernero 9,881