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序号 标题 作者 起始页 操作
1 Henri Fayol and Claude Bernard’s experimental method Elcemir Pa?o Cunha 1
2 Telework and women: perceptions of work and family life balance Sara Fabiana Bittencourt de Aguiar, Fátima Bayma de Oliveira, Lygia Gon?alves Costa Hryniewicz... 1
3 Perception of calling and turnover intention: the moderating role of perceived mobility Marcelo Soares, Bruno Feli, Rozélia Laurett 1
4 Network learning and interorganizational learning: a theoretical framework of relationship and interdependence Julieta Kaoru Watanabe-Wilbert, Andrea Valéria Steil, Gertrudes Aparecida Dandolini 1
5 Entrepreneurial learning research: a positivist tradition? Fernanda Paula Arantes, Maria Salete Batista Freitag 1
6 For an orientation toward the societal impact of graduate studies in administration in Brazil Francisco José da Costa, Márcio André Veras Machado, Samuel Fa?anha Camara 1
7 Consumption praxis: a study of the search for freedom from gender oppression in the context of online games Kelen Cristina Duarte, Ronan Torres Quint?o 1
8 Reflections on the magic, joy, and enchantment of Christmas Hélio Arthur Reis Irigaray, Fabricio Stocker 1
9 Black community feminism in the Southwest of Colombia as a form of self-governance Alexandra Zapata Gonzalez, Maricel Sandoval Solarte, Silvia Caicedo-Mu?oz 1
10 Organizational conditions for evidence-based policing: a proposal from the international literature Gustavo Matarazzo, Rafael Alcadipan, Alan Fernandes... 1