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1 The effectiveness of social norm information in stimulating financial help-seeking behavior: A field experiment Felix Uhl, Saar Mollen, Marieke L. Fransen 1
2 Self-transcendence values, vaccine hesitancy, and COVID-19 vaccination: some results from Italy Monica Pivetti, Francesca Giorgia Paleari, Daniela Barni... 1
3 Cultural orientation and perceived control over COVID-19 preventive behaviors Jane So, Nidhi Agrawal 1
4 I’ll have what they’re having: a descriptive social norm increases choice for vegetables in students Maria Almudena Claassen, Pit Klein, Olivier Klein 1
5 Norwegian citizens’ responses to influxes of asylum seekers: comparing across two refugee crises Lise Bj?nes?y, Hege H. Bye 1
6 The relationship between social class and unethical and prosocial (traffic) behavior: two naturalistic replication studies Tobias Greitemeyer 1
7 Whom do we trust to lead us? effects of leaders’ dominance-based leadership, prestige-based leadership and physical formidability Ard J. Barends, Wendy Andrews 1
8 Not all exclusions are created equal: effects of physical and social components of exclusion on well-being, prosocial, and antisocial behavioral intentions Luisa A.M. Mahr, Janet Kleber, Nilüfer Aydin 1
9 The differential effects of self-identity appeals on consumers’ intentions to purchase socially responsible products with hedonic and utilitarian values Chi-Cheng Luan 1
10 Mimicry boosts social bias: unrealistic optimism in a health prevention case Wojciech Kulesza, Dariusz Dolinski, Pawe? Muniak... 1