




收藏 分享
序号 标题 作者 起始页 操作
1 Psychological resilience: Predictors and measurement among Israel defense force combat officer candidates Iversen, Zev A., Almagor Tikotzki... 493
2 Profiling cognitive workload in an unmanned vehicle control task with cognitive models and physiological metrics Stevens, Christopher A., Morris... 507
3 Resilience in Army STARRS: Evaluating psychometrics of a multi-dimensional resilience measure Reed-Fitzke, Kayla, Ferraro... 521
4 Associations between psychological and respiratory distress in post-deployment Veterans Danahy, Murphy P., Paxton-Willing... 529
5 Leading indicators of readiness among the general Army and Special Operations Forces: Predictive and psychometric analysis of the Global Assessment Tool Kazman, Josh B., Bonner... 539
6 Diversity, equity, and inclusion correlates of racial/ethnic harassment and discrimination in the US military Daniel, Samantha, McKeever... 552
7 Effects of resilience training on mental, emotional, and physical stress outcomes in military officer cadets Zueger, Regula, Niederhauser... 566
8 Correlates of incarceration history among military veterans Kelton, Katherine, Van Voorhees... 577
9 Retention of military combat lifesaving skills during six months following classroom-style and individualized-style initial training Landman, Annemarie, de Vries... 590
10 Differences in military personnel's hardiness depending on their leadership levels and combat experience: An exploratory pilot study Kokun, Oleg, Pischko... 603