The commercial trade of wildlife occurs on a global scale. In addition to removing animals from their native populations, this trade may lead to the release and subsequent introduction of nonindigenous species and the pathogens th...
The commercial trade of wildlife occurs on a global scale. In addition to removing animals from their native populations, this trade may lead to the release and subsequent introduction of nonindigenous species and the pathogens they carry. Emerging infectious diseases, such as chytridiomycosis caused by the chytrid fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd), and ranaviral disease have spread with global trade in amphibians and are linked to amphibian declines and die-offs worldwide, which suggests that the commercial trade in amphibians may be a source of pathogen pollution. We screened tiger salamanders involved in the bait trade in the western United States for both ranaviruses and Bd with polymerase chain reaction and used oral reports from bait shops and ranavirus DNA sequences from infected bait salamanders to determine how these animals and their pathogens are moved geographically by commerce. In addition, we conducted 2 surveys of anglers to determine how often tiger salamanders are used as bait and how often they are released into fishing waters by anglers, and organized bait-shop surveys to determine whether tiger salamanders are released back into the wild after being housed in bait shops. Ranaviruses were detected in the tiger salamander bait trade in Arizona, Colorado, and New Mexico, and Bd was detected in Arizona bait shops. Ranaviruses were spread geographically through the bait trade. All tiger salamanders in the bait trade were collected from the wild, and in general they moved east to west and north to south, bringing with them their multiple ranavirus strains. Finally, 26-73% of anglers used tiger salamanders as fishing bait, 26-67% of anglers released tiger salamanders bought as bait into fishing waters, and 4% of bait shops released tiger salamanders back into the wild after they were housed in shops with infected animals. The tiger salamander bait trade in the western United States is a useful model for understanding the consequences of the unregulated anthropogenic movement of amphibians and their pathogens through trade.El comercio de vida silvestre ocurre a escala global. Adicionalmente a la remocion de animales de sus poblaciones nativas, este comercio puede llevar a la liberacion y subsecuente introduccion de especies no nativas y los patogenos que portan. Enfermedades infecciosas emergentes, como la quitridiomicosis causada por el hongo Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd) y enfermedades ranavirales, se han dispersado con el comercio global de anfibios y estan ligados a las declinaciones en todo el mundo, lo cual sugiere que el comercio de anfibios puede ser una fuente de contaminacion por patogenos. Muestreamos individuos de Ambystoma tigrinum involucrados en el comercio de carnada en el oeste de Estados Unidos para buscar ranavirus y Bd con reaccion en cadena de polimerasa y utilizamos reportes orales de tiendas de carnada y secuencias de ADN de ranavirus extraidas de salamandras infectadas para determinar como son movidos geograficamente por el comercio estos animales y sus patogenos. Adicionalmente, aplicamos dos encuestas a pescadores para determinar la frecuencia con que utilizan salamandras como carnada y la frecuencia con que son liberadas y organizamos muestreos en tiendas de carnada para determinar si las salamandras son liberadas despues de estar en las tiendas. Detectamos ranavirus en el comercio de salamandras en Arizona, Colorado y Nuevo Mexico, y detectamos Bd en tiendas de Arizona. Los ranavirus fueron dispersados geograficamente por medio del comercio de carnada. Todas las salamandras en el omercio de carnada fueron recolectadas del medio silvestre, y, en general, fueron movidas de este a oeste y de norte a sur, portando sus multiples cepas de ranavirus. Finalmente, 26-73% de los pescadores utilizaron salamandras como carnada, 26-67% de los pescadores liberaron salamandras adquiridas para carnada y 4% de las tiendas de carnada liberaron salamandras despues de estar en contacto con an