[会议]SPIEPhotonic crystal fibers IV  Ian P. Johnson, David J. Webb, Kyriacos Kalli, Alexander Argyros, Maryanne C. J. Large

摘要: Fibre Bragg gratings have been inscribed in multimode microstructured polymer optical fibre (POF), with a core size of 50μm. The microstructured POF (mPOF) consists of a three ring hole structure and is made purely from poly(methy... 展开

作者 Ian P. Johnson   David J. Webb   Kyriacos Kalli   Alexander Argyros   Maryanne C. J. Large  
文集名称 Photonic crystal fibers IV
出版年 2010
出版社/出版地 SPIE / Bellingham, Wash.
会议名称 Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers Conference on Photonic Crystal Fibers  
开始页/总页数 77140D:1 / 10
会议日期/会议地点 2010 / Brussels 会议年/会议届次 2010 / 4th
中图分类号 N52  
关键词 POF     mPOF     PCF     WDM     FBG     large strain sensing     polymer splice     thermal annealing  
馆藏号 N2010EMST0008250