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1 A Review on Regeneration in Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp) X. M. Li, J. Li, M. Li... 1
2 Interactions Ticks, Hosts and Pastures: Case of the Girolando Dairy Cattle and the Artificial Pastures of Panicum maximum and Panicurn maximum var. C1 A. G. Zoffoun, S. Salifou, M. Houinato... 1
3 Differential Pathogenic Response in Strawberry Tissues and Organs by Colletotrichum acutatum F. T. Arroyo, J. Moreno, P. Daza... 1
4 Biological Protection against Fungal Diseases of Winter Wheat under Different Soil Tillage Technologies J. Hysek M. Vach M. Zabka M. Javurek 385
5 Pelletized Poultry Litter as a Nutrient Source for Turfgrass Sports Fields A. L. Sprinkle D. J. Hansen S. E. White-Hansen 399
6 Effects of Nitrogen Sources on Nitrate Reductase Activity and Some Physiological Parameters in Psyllium (Plantago ovata F.) under Salinity Stress M. Heidaril, , H. Steppuhn... 412
7 Partial Characterization of Chitinolytic Extract from Endophytic Streptomyces sp. and Its Effects on the Boll Weevil M. C. Quecine, P. T. Lacava, S. R. Magro... 420
8 Effect of Seed Sizes on the Growth and Establishment of Seedlings of Sheanut Tree (Vitellaria paradoxa) G.O. Kolawole K. A. Adebayo M. A. Adebayo 428
9 Effect of Seed Drying on Germination Behavior and Seedling Growth of Sweetsop (Annona squamosa) B. Banful P. Y. Adjei N. K. Achiaa 443
10 Impact of Planting Position and Planting Material on Root Yield of Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) H. Legese, L. Gobeze, A. Shegro... 448