[会议]SpringerResearch and advanced technology for digital libraries  Florian Matthes, Claudia Niederee, Ulrike Steffens

摘要: In this paper we present an interactive tool for policy-based merging of resource-classifying networks (RCNs). We motivate our approach by identifying several merge scenarios within organizations and discuss their individual requi... 展开

作者 Florian Matthes   Claudia Niederee   Ulrike Steffens  
文集名称 Research and advanced technology for digital libraries
出版年 2002
出版社/出版地 Springer / Berlin
会议名称 European Conference on Digital Libraries  
开始页/总页数 352 / 14
会议日期/会议地点 2001 / Darmstadt 会议年/会议届次 2001 / 5th
中图分类号 G250.76-532  
关键词 Categorization   Taxonomy   merging   CSCW   Knowledge Management   Knowledge Visualization   Quality Control  
馆藏号 N2008EMST0003926