

Tech Science Press


Tech Science Press





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    [期刊简介] BIOCELL is an international, peer-reviewed, open access journal on molecular and cellular biosciences. The journal welcomes hi... 展开
序号 标题 作者 起始页 操作
1 Exploring the vital role of microglial membrane receptors in Alzheimer’s disease pathogenesis: a comprehensive review JUN-FENG ZHAO, YI-RAN JIANG, TIAN-LIN GUO... 1011
2 Three-dimensional cell-based strategies for liver regeneration DAN GUO, XI XIA, JIAN YANG 1023
3 Oleanolic acid inhibits colon cancer cell stemness and reverses chemoresistance by suppressing JAK2/STAT3 signaling pathway RUOYU CHEN, YIMAN WU, FENG WANG... 1037
4 Paclitaxel induces human KOSC3 oral cancer cell apoptosis through caspase pathways YU-YAN LAN, TSUN-CHIH CHENG, YI-PING LEE... 1047
5 Sciadopitysin exerts anticancer effects on HepG2 hepatocellular carcinoma cells by regulating reactive oxygen species-mediated signaling pathways YAN-NAN LI, YUN-HONG XIU, YAN-JUN TANG... 1055
6 miR-557 suppresses hepatocellular carcinoma cell proliferation and migration via downregulating CBX4 XULONG SUN, WENTAO DING, CHAO JIANG... 1071
7 Silvestrol alleviates glioblastoma progression through ERK pathway modulation and MANBA and NRG-1 expression LAN ZHOU, QI ZHANG, BO TIAN... 1081
8 Cholic acid mitigates osteoarthritis by inhibiting the NF-κB/PERK/ SIRT1 signaling pathway JIAOE SHENG, ZUMIN YI, SANSHAN HE... 1095
9 Lysine demethylase 5B transcriptionally regulates TREM1 in human cardiac fibroblasts CHUNLING LIANG, JING CHEN, XIAOJIE CHEN... 1105
10 Mesenchymal stromal cells modulate unfolded protein response and preserve β-cell mass in type 1 diabetes SIYUAN LIU, YUAN ZHAO, YU YU... 1115