  • 《Surfaces and interfaces》 2022年31卷

摘要 : The problems of the environmental pollution and the lack of energy carriers are propellant for the development and utilization of clean energies. Hydrogen as a clean energy for entering continuously in the energy market has a grea... 展开

作者 Dehkhodaei~ Monireh   Reisi-Vanani~ Adel  
期刊名称 《Surfaces and interfaces》
总页数 11
语种/中图分类号 英语 / O65  
关键词 Graphdiyne   Hydrogen storage   Charge injection   Adsorption   DFT-D2   co-doping   PROMISING MATERIALS   CARBON NANOTUBE   DOPED GRAPHENE   NITROGEN   BORON   SINGLE   GRAPHYNE   ATOMS   ADSORPTION   REDUCTION  
馆藏号 N2018031400036886