  • 《Transactions of the ASABE》 2007年50卷4期

摘要 : Nitrate nitrogen (NO{sub}3-N) enriched water originates from subsurface drains or "tiles" that underlay many fields in the Corn Belt and is the primary source of NO{sub}3-N to surface waters in this region. To better assess the fa... 展开

作者 A. Saleh   E. Osei   D. B. Jaynes   B. Du   J. G. Arnold  
期刊名称 《Transactions of the ASABE》
总页数 9
语种/中图分类号 英语 / S22  
关键词 Cover crop   Economics   LSNT   Modeling   Pothole   Subsurface flow   SWAT   Tile drainage   Water quality   Watershed  
馆藏号 N2008EPST0007642