In applying bioanalytical approaches, the aim of this study was to determine the toxicity of contaminants derived from a solid waste dumpsite in Calabar (Nigeria), by investigating the alterations of lipid and estrogen signaling p...
In applying bioanalytical approaches, the aim of this study was to determine the toxicity of contaminants derived from a solid waste dumpsite in Calabar (Nigeria), by investigating the alterations of lipid and estrogen signaling pathways in Poeciliopsis lucida hepatocellular carcinoma-1 (PLHC-1) cells and compared to in vivo African catfish (Clarias gariepinus), using polar, nonpolar and elutriate extraction methods. Cells were exposed for 48 hr period to different concentrations of the contaminant extracts. The PLHC-1 cells were evaluated for lipid responses as follows adipoRed assay, retinoid x receptor (rxr), peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor isoforms (ppar-& alpha; and & gamma;), estrogen receptor (er-& alpha;) and vitellogenin (vtg) transcripts. The lipid signaling activation was also assessed in vivo using C. gariepinus, where hepatic levels of ppar-& alpha; were determined at both transcript and functional proteins levels. Data showed variable-, extract type and concentration-specific elevations in mRNA and protein levels for lipidomic and estrogenic effects. These effects were either biphasic at low and high concentrations, depending upon extract type, or concentration-dependent elevations. In general, these toxicological responses may be attributed to soil organic and inorganic contaminants burden previously derived from the dumpsite. Thus, our data demonstrate a unique lipid and endocrine-disruptive chemical (EDC) effects of each soil extract, suggesting multiple and complex contaminant interactions in the environment and biota. Analysis of numerous soil- or sediment-bound contaminants have numerous limitations and cost implications for developing countries. Our approach provides a bioanalytical protocol and endpoints for measuring the metabolic and EDC effects of complex environmental matrices for ecotoxicological assessment and monitoring.