  • 《Journal of Hydrology》 2003年280卷1/4期

摘要 : This brief paper indicates that forest fires may have short and longer term effects on runoff and thus, can influence trend studies on the response of watersheds to climate change. Twenty-two watersheds at the Experimental Lakes A... 展开

作者 Valeo C.   Beaty K.   Hesslein R.  
期刊名称 《Journal of Hydrology》
总页数 14
语种/中图分类号 英语 / P33  
关键词 Surface runoff   Forest fires   Climate change   Boreal forest   Evapotranspiration   Northwestern ontario   Eucalypt forest   Water yield   Lake   Consequences   Catchment   Rainfall   Postfire   Streams   Erosion  
馆藏号 N2008EPST0000403